What is
Art Therapy

Art Therapy, it is a kind of a therapeutic tool which helps individual to express their emotions or feelings which are buried deep down. The act of drawing or coloring on a piece of paper is not a test, its expressing your oneself through the nonverbal mode of communication, the mixed bag of emotions that one carries. Art as a Therapy has numerous possibilities. Firstly, it has no boundaries. Second of all, it allows you to be your raw self. Creative therapy helps one to cope well with their Anxiety, it helps to release their feelings on a piece of paper or any creative art one would like to do.

Eliminating of such expressions helps one to feel relaxed and as a result makes them capable to cope with the life positively. None the less, it also helps one to cope with their wavering thoughts, makes them focus on the task, increase their Cognitive thinking and most importantly, it helps to build their confidence and motivation at a consistent level. Individual can transform their life with the creative process of Art Therapy.

Art is not just a Therapy, it's a process to Heal.